Širom svijeta porijeklom Crnogorci ... neki ponosni, a neki zbunjeni 



Porijeklom Crnogorci širom svijeta ...

Crnogorci  mogu biti ponosni na mnoge poznate ličnosti koji vode porijeklo iz Crne Gore. Veliki broj njih se sa ponosom sjećaju zemlje svog porijekla, neki od njih su se asimilari u nove sredine. Mnoge od njih su nam ‘prisvojili’, ali činjenice i istina se ne može sakriti.

Navest ćemo ovdje samo one najpoznatije iz raznih sfera društvenog života. Kada bismo uzeli u obzir i mnoge sportske veličine koje su izgradile svoj uspjeh u svojim matičnim državama taj spisak bi bio daleko duži.

Pa da pokušamo neke od njih ovdje da navedemo.


Nikola Tesla
se uvijek izjasnjavao kao CRNOGORAC iz Hrvatske

Zahvaljujemo se Miroslavu Ćosoviću koji je objedinio sva raspoloziva dokumenta o Tesli u jednoj knjzi "Nikola Tesla se izjasnjavao kao Crnogorac".

Na današnji dan, 22. juna 1891. godine, list  "Pittsburgh Dispatch" objavio je članak "A great electrical genius". Između ostaloga, u članku je napisano da je "Tesla Crnogorac", da je njegova porodica sveštenička, da mu je ujak biskup u "Grčkoj crkvi". Sintagma "Grčka crkva" bila je sinonim za - "pravoslavna crkva"

  Greg Popović:
Nijesam ja Srbin, ja sam Crnogorac - neki to sa ponosom ističu, a neki se stide svog porijekla

Nijesam ja Srbin, ja sam Crnogorac
Srpski strucnjak Igor Kokoškov se prisjetio prvog susreta sa Popovicem:"... I ja, mlad i lud, pridjem Gregu, pozdravimo se, i ja kažem – 'Vi ste dobar trener zato što ste Srbin'. A, on se onako brecne i kaže – 'Nijesam ja Srbin, ja sam Crnogorac', otkrio je Kokoškov za Nedeljnik.
Gregg Charles Popovich je jedan od najuspjesnijih profesionalnih kosarkaskih američkih trenera, rodjen 28. januara 1949. godine.
Gregg father was Montenegrin descent and he is proud of his descent and used to visit Montenegro.
Malo više o Popoviću se moze naći, pored Google, na našem linku Nijesam ja Srbin, ja sam Crnogorac

Gregg Popovich
Gregg Charles Popovich (born January 28, 1949) is an American professional basketball coach and executive who is the president and head coach of the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Taking over as coach of the Spurs in 1996, Popovich is the longest tenured active coach in the NBA as well as all other major sports leagues in the United States.


Peretti – Pope Sixtus V

This one might sound a bit odd, but Felice Perreti, or better known as Pope Sixtus V, was the first Pope of the Slavic origin (he was a Pope back in XVI century). He was a major personality in the history of the Vatican, and he even excommunicated both Elizabeth I of England and Henry IV of France. His family moved to Italy from a small village in the Bay of Kotor. Their last name Peretti (meaning pear) was actually derived from the name of their village Krusevice (which also has word pear in it) in Montenegro.


Queen Elena of Italy


Jelena Petrovic was the daughter of King Nicholas of Montenegro, and wife of Victor Emanuel III of Italy. She was the Queen of Italy from 1900 until 1946. She was extremely respected among the Italians since she was always willing to lend a helping hand to the common people. She even turned several of the royal palaces into hospitals and she served as a nurse when needed.



Dušan Vukotić

He was a famous cartoonist, author and director of animated films. He was the first person from Yugoslavia to win an Oscar and the first foreigner to get an Oscar for an animated film. He won it with his short animated film Surogat, and another of his animated films, The Game, was nominated in 1964. He is famous for rejecting a big money contract from Disney, as he decided to stay in Yugoslavia and work in Zagreb where he spent most of his life.

We have tried to create a list filled with people from different branches. There are many others with Montenegrin origin who have made the world a better place. We understand that South Slavic nations are all densely intertwined and there is no need for anyone to feel offended by this article as that was not its intent.


Mike Stepovich

Michael Anthony Stepovich (March 12, 1919 – February 14, 2014) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the last non-acting Governor of the Territory of Alaska. Stepovich served as Territorial Governor from 1957 to 1958, and Alaska was given U.S. statehood in 1959.







Arsen Dedić
Porijeklom Kuč

Boravak u Crnoj Gori ponovo je aktuelizovao crnogorsko porijeklo Arsena Dedića. Naime, u njegovoj porodici se pričalo da potiču iz Orahova, živopisnog kučkog sela.
- Želio sam i prije 18 godina da posjetim Kuče, ali nije bilo vremena. Iako Dedića ima širom bivše Jugoslavije - moji su pričali da postoji mogućnost da smo iz Kuča - potvrdio je Arsen.
Arsen Dedić je potragu za korijenima počeo prije 18 godina, sjeća se Vero Begić, urednik filmskog programa u KIC-u. Tada se nije našlo vremena za posjetu Orahovu, ali je Arsenu poslao iz Beograda knjigu o migracijama Jovana Cvijića gdje se pominju Dedići.
John Malkovich:

Ja sam Crnogorac - neki to sa ponosom ističu, a neki se stide svog porijekla

Ja sam Crnogorac
Slavni američki glumac John Malkovich u Zagrebu je, gdje je bio specijalni gost na otvaranju sezone u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski, otkrio svoje porijeklo.
"Moja majka je pročitala negdje da pišu o mojim hrvatskim korijenima. I pitala me je zašto sam to rekao, kada smo mi Crnogorci! Rekao sam:"Šta?, a ona je dodala:'Ti si Crnogorac, ti si iz Crne Gore", ispričao je Malkovich. ...
Ja sam Crnogorac

John Gavin Malkovich is a world-famous actor, director and producer. He has appeared in more than 70 movies during his lucrative career. He was nominated for the Academy Award twice for his movie roles Places in the Heart and In the Line of Fire, but he never won an Oscar. John is not completely sure of his ancestry, but he claims that his mother told him on one occasion that he was of Montenegrin descent. He is proud of his South Slavic roots.


Milka Babović

Milka Babović (Skoplje, 27. listopada 1928. – Zagreb, 26. prosinca 2020.), bila je hrvatska sportska novinarka, televizijska komentatorica i atletičarka, te stručni suradnik olimpijskih i eurovizijskih programa, rodom VASOJEVKA iz  Djulića kod Andrijevice. ... Milka Babovic rodom VASOJEVKA iz  Djulića kod Andrijevice






  Novak Djoković ...
preci Novaka Djokovića se izjašnjavali kao Crnogorci

Porodica Novaka Djokovića potiče od Damjanovića is stare Crne Gore, sa Čeva. Njegov predak, Djoko Damjanović, nakon ubistva turskog age u jednom od obračuna s Turcima, prebjegao u Jasenovo polje kod Nikšića oko 1730. godine, po kome je i nastalo prezime porodice.
Dakle, od Djoka Damjanovica nastaje po Djoku prezime Djokovic.
Prvi Novak Djoković je bio unuk djeda Djoka, a u Jasenovom polju je do nedavno zivio njegov sin djed Radoje (2012. godine je imao 85 godina). ... detaljnije

Djokovic is often regarded as one of the best tennis players of all times. Djokovic is of Montenegrin descent and he is proud of his origin. He even got married in Montenegro, in Sveti Stefan.


Zdravko Čolić
 ... ponosan na svoje crnogorsko porijeklo

S ponosom uvijek ističem da sam porijeklom dijelom i iz Crne Gore. Od tog crnogorskog porijekla do rodbine, prijatelja... Dio mladosti sam tu proveo. Pa, u Baošićima sam prvi novac zaradio na nastupu. Brojni koncerti, ljetovanja… malo, malo - pa smo tu. Osjećam se kao domaći i na koncertu ću večeras na neki način biti baš to - domaćin”, objašnjava Čolić ... Zdravko Čolić ... ponosan na svoje crnogorsko porijeklo











Mila Jovović

Jovovic was born in 1975, in Kiev, Ukraine, the only child of a Russian performer, Galina Loginova ("she was amazing actress"), and a Montenegrin father, Bogich Jovovich. ("They're men's men in Montenegro, very macho, especially up north where my Dad and all his brothers and cousins are from.")
While her father trained to be a doctor in London in the early 80's, she field the Soviet Union with her mother. The family ended up in California, where the marriage broke down and Loginova, who had custody of her dauther, cleaned houses.
Once Jovovich's modelling and acting careers took off, Loginova became a legendary catwalk and stage mother. Her father, according to a recent article in Details, eventually got involved in a billiondollar health-insurance fraud, and was only recently released from prison. Jovovich herself got into some minor scrapes with the law in high school, but says her wild days are over. Her elopement at 16 to fellow Dazed and Confused cast member Shawn Andrews ended in an annulment, ostensibly orchestrated by Loginova.
VOGUE, decembre 1999.

Mila Jovovic
Her full name is Milica Bogdanovna Jovovich, and she is a famous Hollywood actress, probably most known for Resident Evil movies which were a huge commercial success. She also played some other major roles in blockbusters such as The Fifth Element and she was the highest-paid model in the world back in 2004, according to the Forbes. Her family is from Vasojevici in Montenegro and had to flee to Metohija (Serbia) in order to get away from a bloody feud. Her family later moved to the Soviet Union. She was born in Kiev, and her family left the Soviet Union when she was 5 years old.


Nikola Petanović

Nicholas Petanovich, born Nikola Petanović (Cyrillic: Никола Петановић; 1892 – 29 January 1932), also known under the alias Naiad, was an American Montenegrin emigrant, philosopher, writer, political publicist and fighter for Montenegro's sovereignty and independence. He was one of the very few amongst the Montenegrin diaspora to achieve higher level education.

Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović: Ja sam Crnogorka
Odgovarajući na pitanja novinara, Abramović kaže: "Nijesam ja Srpkinja. Ja sam Crnogorka, isto tako. Otac mi je pravi Crnogorac!" ... Marina Abramović: Ja sam Crnogorka

Marina is a world famous contemporary artist and she is often described as the ‘’grandmother of performance art’’. She is of Montenegrin descent, but she was born in Belgrade, since her family was ‘’red bourgeoisie’’ as she likes to point out.


Ana Ivanovic

Ana Ivanovic is another tennis player of Montenegrin descent. Ana was the number one tennis player back in the 2008, and she is a Grand Slam winner. She is also regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world of sports. She recently married a famous German football player Bastian Schweinsteiger and she decided to retire from playing tennis.




Nero Wolfe

Nero Wolfe is a brilliant, obese and eccentric fictional armchair detective created in 1934 by American mystery writer Rex Stout. Wolfe was born in Montenegro and keeps his past murky.






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