Originalan tekst odgovora gospođe Stewart i njeno pismo




Tekst protesta kojega smo 11/08/2001. uputili Tracy Stewart Regional Director - ACT:

Der Mrs Stewart,
In your interview with the daily newspaper VESTI you underlined that if someone declare that his mother language is Montenegrin will be classified as South Slave language.
We were astonished that an Australian institution denied Australians - Montenegrin origin the right to be Montenegrin "ancestry" , have their own and   language. You received wrong advise.
Calculatingly or not  - you are supporting Milosevic's chauvinistic policy against Montenegrin nation.
Such a position would certainly not contribute to better understanding and harmonious coexistence among different ethnic community in Australia.
Yours sincerely,
Mihailo Mandic, president of MEAA

Objavljujemo u cjelosti odgovor kojega smo dobili od gospođe Stewart i prepisku sa novinarom Petrom Vučinićem:

Dear Mr. Mandic,

Thank you for your email of 11 August.  Copied below, for your information, is the email provided to the journalist, on which the information in the article in VESTI was based.  This was the only information provided by me for the article.
Any other information in the article attributed to me should not have been.  As you will see, the information I provided does not contain any reference to particular ethnic groups.  The statement on language you referred to was not made by me at any time and should not have been attributed to me.

I hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Tracy Stewart
Regional Director - ACT

Dear Peter

Please find attached information on the census and it's importance to ethnic communities as requested. The Census website www.abs.gov.au/census has a media resource section which features information including sound and pictures. The direct address is to the image section is:
I hope this is of use to you. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require anything further.

Leanne Dickinson
Census Communications Manager (ACT)
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Tel: 02 6207 0726

Zatim slijede pitanja i odgovori koje je gospodja Stewart poslala Vestima. 


Why does Australia need a census?

The Census underpins Australia's democracy, is crucial to the planning of community services and facilities and is essential for informed debate.
The Census results are used to determine the number of seats each state and territory has in the House of Representatives. The ABS must, by law, carry out a census every five years.
The census, to be held on Tuesday 7th August, provides a snapshot of the nation. It provides vital planning information for government and private sectors and communities, and for a wide variety of community groups.
Grants to state and local governments are based on populations calculated from census results.
The census is for the community and we seek everyone's support to make it a success.

What services are available to assist ethnic communities?

The census strategy to assist the ethnic community comprises a 2001 Census Inquiry Service, which includes a telephone interpreter service to help overcome language problems.  Care is taken to promote this service in areas identified as having a large ethnic population of one particular nationality.
All Census collectors are selected with appropriate liaison and language skills for the composition of the ethnic population of particular areas whenever possible.
Identification of areas with high concentrations of migrant populations helps to ensure that supplies of public educational materials such as brochures, are printed in the relevant languages and are available for timely distribution.
The peak community body for ethnic matters in each State is the Ethnic Community Council.  At the national level these bodies come together as the influential Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia Inc (FECCA).  The ABS and FECCA have an effective partnership in conveying the purposes and importance of the Census to ethnic communities around Australia.
A schools information kit is designed for use nationally to promote the 2001 Census with a specific focus on younger children from households where the adults have difficulty in understanding English.

Which questions are of importance to ethnic communities?

The census on Tuesday August 7 aims to take a snapshot of our nation and this includes information about where our population originates. The ancestry question is in the census so groups who need services delivered in special ways can be identified.
Responses to these questions will give an up-to-date picture of how our nation is comprised.  The Census counts everyone in Australia on census night, and records certain key characteristics about the population. Ancestry is one of these.
This is the first time since 1986 that an ancestry question has been included.
The ABS has worked with a panel of experts to develop these questions, including representatives of ethnic groups and they strongly support the topic on the grounds of assistance in service delivery.
In relation to the religion question, the Constitution states that the Government must not impose any religious test on the population.
The religion question is included as many services to the community, such as nursing homes and services for the disadvantaged, are provided by religious groups.
The questions on language, ancestry and religion are ones that will provide an accurate picture of the composition of the Australian population.

What measures are taken to ensure the census results are accurate?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) does a small intensive survey after each Census to check if anyone was missed. We'll be doing this again in 2001.
Our methods are used across the world and are internationally recognized for their excellence. We conduct extensive testing of the questions to ensure that they provide accurate results before adopting the questions on the form.  Many tests were carried out prior to the 2001 Census.
The ABS has extensive experience in conducting censuses - this is our 14th national census. The planning that the ABS has undertaken aims to see the census to be held on August 7th as one of the nation's most successful.

Where can I get more information about the census?

For more information about the Census, visit the public website at: www.abs.gov.au/census
ABS Australian Business Number:  26 331 428 522     ABS Web Site:  http://www.abs.gov.au/


Uporedjujuci ove odgovore sa objavljenim 'Ekskluzivnim intervjuom' vidi se da su VESTI obmanule javnost podmetanjem lažnih pitanja i odgovora. Mogla bi se razumjeti greška objavljivanja jednog ovakvog priloga da su Vesti bile spremne da objave i naše reagovanje...ili, makar, da su našli toliko hrabrosti da nađu opravdanje za ovakav postupak. Nasuprot našim očekivanjima - VESTI su se ušutile! Ni glasa, ni objašnjenja, ni odgovora - što nam daje za pravo da mislimo kako iza ovakve politike stoji cjelokupno rukovodstvo 'NEZAVISNIH VESTI'.
Svjesni činjenice da se teško izboriti sa moćnom gebelsovom mašinerijom mi dajemo svoj prilog istini objavljujući originalna dokumenta iz kojih će posjetioci našega sajta moći na najbolji način ocijeniti zakulisnu igru kojim se služi čak i jedan list koji preferira da ima visoko mjesto u srpskoj emigraciji.
Šta li tek rade novine kao što su Svetski srpski glas i njemu slični
petparački listovi...

Naše Udruženje je na vrijeme upoznalo svoje članove i sve iseljenike iz Crne Gore sa načinom kako da popune obrasce za popis stanovnistva Australije.
Procitajte detaljnije uputstvo...
Više informacija o predstojećem popisu možete naći na sajtu Australian Bereau of Statistics, a na jednoj od njegovih stranica se možete uvjeriti da je i naziv crnogorski jezik kodifikovan pod slovom M (Montenegrin) i brojem 3505. 



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